The Mile-High Pee

29 12 2010

044. Use an aeroplane toilet on the flight between Melbourne and Hobart [more info]

toiletThis goal is now complete!

I know, I know… sounds like an anti-climax but for someone who has been getting over a fear of flying for the past ten years, the small goal of unbuckling my seatbelt and getting up to use the bathroom on a short (1 hour) flight was a little terrifying. I knew that if I didn’t attempt it on the Christmas trip back from Tasmania, there would most likely not be a chance for another year or so.

Thankfully being pregnant does have its rewards (in this case, an irritable bladder that cannot wait :P).

044. Use an aeroplane toilet on the flight between Melbourne and Hobart (or vice versa)

21 01 2010

When will I have achieved this goal? When I can say I’ve successfully used an aeroplane toilet on a short flight. 

Why did I choose this goal? Aeroplane flights frighten me a little at the best of times, and the hour-short flight between Melbourne and Hobart (which we take to visit my husband’s family a few times per year) means most of the time in the air is spent ascending or descending. Even with a full bladder I never have the courage to visit the toilet on one of these flights in case I’m thrown around the cubicle!