Thank You Nicole

28 09 2012

024. Regularly visit a Naturopath over a twelve-month period [more info]

Nicole, my naturopath, has been wonderful to me over the course of the past 2.5 years. Her speciality is in women’s health and fertility, and she really helped me to get a handle on my body, make positive changes and to understand my menstrual cycles in a way that I’ll never be able to forget this information again (it’s all about tuning into your body and understanding your fertile signs).

While I didn’t become pregnant as a result of the hormonal changes that we tried to bring  about (with liquid herb preparations), when Matt and I decided to go down the IVF route following the tests confirming my fallopian tube blockages she assisted in preparing my eggs for stimulation cycles.

When I discovered I was pregnant after our first IVF cycle (!) after having had so many usable eggs for the fertilisation process (and with four additional embryos frozen), I think it is in part testament to the wonderful work that Nicole did.

If pregnancy does not happen for us easily the next time around, I will be going back to see Nicole again (she went on maternity leave shortly before the birth of our son Rowan, and he was a few months old by the time she returned; I have not been back to her clinic since his birth).

So thank you Nicole, every day I look at my son and know that you played a part in bringing him into being. 🙂

Moar Sleep

2 09 2010

021. Get an hour’s extra sleep per night for a month [more info]
022. Drink 1.5L of water daily for three months (1/3) [more info]

You have to love those goals that seem to complete themselves without much effort or thought involved!

It feels almost too easy to cross this goal off my list, it’s come about after discovering I was pregnant in early August and being hit by OMG-must-sleep-now-or-else!! symptoms, courtesy of the first trimester (although I seem to have lucked in with little-to-no morning sickness so far). So something I have been definitely doing is sleeping more.

I suppose that some list items were always going to be more difficult than others. 😉

P.S. – Also occuring as a symptom has been the consumption of water, which is making Goal #022 easier to complete as well.

027. Attend professional development for a topic I’m unfamiliar with

20 01 2010

When will I have achieved this goal? When I attend a seminar/in-service about an educationally-related topic which I can put to use in my day-to-day teaching.

Why did I choose this goal? Because I like to be continually learning.

026. Give blood

20 01 2010

When will I have achieved this goal? When I visit a blood bank and donate blood/plasma.

Why did I choose this goal? This is one of those things I’ve talked about doing since a teenager but never done. I know that if I ever require blood products I’ll be incredibly grateful for there being donations on stand-by, so it’s about time I did my bit for the community too. My blood Group is B+.

025. Get a professional massage

20 01 2010

When will I have achieved this goal? When I visit a licensed masseuse and have a massage.

Why did I choose this goal? My husband gives good massages, but I’ve always wanted to get a professional one done.

024. Visit a naturopath regularly over a twelve-month period

20 01 2010

When will I have achieved this goal? When I visit a naturopath (every 4-8 weeks, under her guidance) over a twelve-month period.

Why did I choose this goal? My naturopath has helped wonders for my diet and emotional wellbeing while I husband and I have been trying for a baby. Regardless of pregnancy or not, I’d like to continue seeing her over a twelve month period or more.

023. Use a MoonCup for three complete menstrual cycles

19 01 2010

When will I have achieved this goal? When I exclusively use a MoonCup (no pads) for three menstrual cycles.

Why did I choose this goal? The MoonCup is a reusable natural silicone alternative to menstrual pads or tampons, and because it doesn’t more garbage waste it’s better on the environment. I feel strongly about keeping rubbish out of landfill, while helping my body at the same time. More information about the MoonCup can be found here.

022. Drink 1.5L of water daily for three months

19 01 2010

When will I have achieved this goal? When I successfully increase my daily water consumption to 1.5L (or above) over three months.

Why did I choose this goal? Because I need to drink more water, and I probably drink only 1L in a day (less if I’m busy at work).

021. Get an hour’s extra sleep per night for a month

19 01 2010

When will I have achieved this goal? When I successfully go to bed at least an hour earlier than usual (including weeknights).

Why did I choose this goal? Because sleep keeps the mind and body refreshed, I’m a night-owl and definitely need more sleep on weeknights.

020. Take a class for two different styles of dance

19 01 2010

When will I have achieved this goal? When I take a class for two different styles of dance.

Why did I choose this goal? I used to be a dancer (recreationally, although I competed in a few competitions as a teenager), and quit in 2007. I miss the endorphins and exhilaration associated with classes, and would like to try some new styles.